What Is the Best Month to Visit Beijing?

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  • 2020-05-03
  • China tourism information
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The four seasons are obvious in Beijing, dry and cold in winter, humid and muggy in summer. Rain Water has less moderate temperature but the shortest time in spring and autumn.

The most unsuitable seasons are winter and summer, that is, winter from mid-November to mid-February, and summer from mid-June to the end of August, but there is one exception, that is, during the Spring Festival at the end of January and the beginning of February.

Beijing is what he used to be, without heavy traffic and hotel rooms, and the air quality is much better. Although the Spring Festival is also the peak tourist season during the Golden week, because outsiders in Beijing have returned home, on the whole, it is still very suitable to travel to Beijing.

The season in Beijing is spring and autumn, that is, from mid-March to the end of April, and from early September to mid-October, during which plants and trees have just sprouted, peach and cherry blossoms are in full bloom, or ginkgo maple trees are red, golden and crisp in autumn; but similarly, there is an exceptional period of time during this period, that is, National Day, during which Beijing is crowded with traffic jams everywhere, suggesting off-peak travel.

It is recommended to come to Beijing in spring and autumn (April, May to avoid May Day, September, October to avoid National Day holiday), bring moisturizers, thermos cups, and wear masks just in case.

When Is the Best Month to Travel to Beijing?

The capital is mainly the cultural landscape, not to appreciate the natural landscape, the cultural landscape will not change all the year round, but the landscape caused by climate change depends on where you plan to go.

In spring, you can go to the major parks to enjoy the flowers, the peonies in Jingshan, the tulips, peach blossoms and Yuyuantan cherry blossoms in the botanical garden.

Summer is lush, Beihai, the Imperial Palace, the Summer Palace, royal gardens looming in the green sea feel very good.

In autumn, the temperature is suitable and comfortable, but the autumn in Beijing is very short and is gone in a twinkling of an eye. If the cultural landscape is matched with autumn scenery, the best thing is the sunset. If the setting sun goes down with the royal garden, especially when the afterglow, it is quite beautiful, of course, the most famous, the most popular is Xiangshan red leaves.

In winter, the best thing is to enjoy the scenery after snow. the glazed tiles of the Imperial Palace are covered with snow. The Jiangnan wind and royal style of the Summer Palace are spectacular against the snow.

Beijing is basically like this all the year round, depending on what kind of scenery you like. I think autumn and winter are better, autumn, September, winter, January and February, as long as it is after the snow.

The Best Time to Travel:

Spring: from mid-May to mid-June, it is the first good day of the year to come to Beijing. The cold of winter has passed, the heat of summer has not yet arrived, and the vitality of spring makes everyone in a good mood.


Imperial Palace, Summer Palace, Zhongshan Park, etc.

Autumn: early September to mid-October is the best season to come here, the cool and comfortable weather is more pleasant, the maple leaves on the outskirts of Beijing have been red, ginkgo ginkgo is shining golden.


Bashang Prairie, where Kangxi and their horses are trained and hunted. Autumn is the most beautiful, with large tracts of yellow birch trees, grasslands with white clouds and mirrored lakes. Riding among all kinds of wild flowers, it is lucky to have such a view.

Xiangshan Xiangshan the very famous red leaves of Xiangshan have become a unique scene of Xiangshan. Mid-October to early November is the best season to watch red leaves, if you don’t like crowding, don’t appreciate it.

When Is the Best Month to Go for an Outing in Beijing Botanical Garden?

Beijing Botanical Garden Cherry ditch, Cherry ditch is located in the western foot of Shouan Mountain, also known as the valley, the end of the water, the source of water, Zhoujia Garden. It is a natural valley about 750 meters long from Mad Monk Cave to the mouth of Beigou Village. From Wofo Temple westbound, out of the West coupon Gate, that is, into the Cherry ditch Scenic spot. The geomorphological structure of cherry ditch is trapezoidal and dendritic. The annual average temperature is 11.1 ℃. The average minimum temperature in January is-7.1 ℃, the extreme minimum temperature is-14.5 ℃, the average maximum temperature in July is 28.2 ℃, and the extreme maximum temperature is 32 ℃. There is no severe cold in winter, no heat in summer, and the air is moist. Spring and autumn are short, winter and summer are long. There are many kinds of animals and plants in the ditch, which constitute the rich wild interest of the cherry ditch.

When Is the Best Time to Go to Beijing?

Beijing is located on the edge of the North China Plain, with an annual average temperature of 11.8 ℃, the coldest January average temperature of-4.6 ℃, and the hottest July with a monthly average of 26.1 ℃. Beijing is shorter in spring and autumn and longer in winter, with an average annual precipitation of 644 mm.

Beijing is a city with four distinct seasons. The summer is hot, the winter is cold, and the climate in spring and autumn is moderate, but there is a lot of wind and sand in spring, and there are sandstorms in spring in recent years. In this way, only autumn has a crisp sky and a pleasant climate, which is the golden season of the year. The best time to travel is in May, September and October of each year. May is one of the richest periods of literary life in Beijing, with international performances, such as the annual Heineken International Jazz Festival.

Beijing also has a different charm in winter. Skating in Beihai, watching snow in Xishan, and then a pot of steaming Mongolian Hot Pot, that is the pleasure of visiting Beijing in winter. Of course, when you choose to come to Beijing this season, don’t forget to bring a thick cotton coat and down jacket.

When Is the Cheapest Time to Go to Beijing? What Month Is the Off-Season in Beijing?

In terms of tickets, Beijing’s scenic spots are generally 4.1-10.31 for peak season tickets, such as 60 yuan for the Imperial Palace, 11.1-3.31 for off-season tickets, such as 40 yuan for the Imperial Palace, and many scenic spots are priced at the same price throughout the year regardless of the off-peak season. There is also, for example, Taoran Pavilion Park, where the ticket is usually 2 yuan, but in time for the Spring Flower Festival, the ticket is 10 yuan, and when there is no Spring Flower Festival, it is 2 yuan again.

Seasonally, Beijing has sandstorms in spring, too much sun in summer, better in autumn, too cold in winter, and sometimes no snow in warm winter. There are more haze days in spring and autumn.

In terms of months, the Spring Festival and National Day holiday are the worst-hit areas of scenic spots in Beijing. Usually, short holidays are a little better, but they are also limited. After all, Beijing is a tourist destination considered by most people all over the country. Big scenic spots such as the Imperial Palace, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven and the Badaling Great Wall are rare when there are few people.

It is best to travel off the peak, not to catch the seven-day long holiday and short holiday, and not to catch up with the winter and summer holidays, there are more people.

But all in all. In fact, for such a long time in Beijing, I didn’t find any off-season or off-season, and there were a lot of people, but the Golden week such as National Day holiday was even more full.

Relatively, there are fewer people in winter than in summer. I think Beijing is very cold, windy and the climate is general in winter.

It is generally recommended to live around Qianmen, Xidan, Dongdan Wangfujing, or around the 2nd Ring Road, so that the subway is convenient, and the main scenic spots in the second urban area will be very close, such as Tiananmen Square, Qianmen Dashilan, Wangfujing, Houhai Shici, Nanluogu Xiang and so on.

It is best to be close to the subway. Many scenic spots in Beijing can get through the subway, so the traffic will be more convenient.

Further Reading

What is the minimum average temperature in Beijing in January?

How many days in Beijing is enough?


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What Is the Best Month to Visit Beijing?


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