Is Living in Shanghai Expensive?

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  • 2020-06-09
  • China tourism information
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Let’s talk about the food, clothing, accommodation and transportation of a Shanghai floating entrepreneur in Shanghai.

Meal expenses

Basically do not eat breakfast, can not get up on weekends, usually have no time to catch the subway, spend 0 yuan / month.

Lunch, usually a fast food restaurant near the company, about 30 yuan.

Dinner, usually a fast food restaurant near the company, about 30 yuan.

On weekends, I will go to the attached shopping mall to eat a meal of 100-200 yuan per capita, and will not go to a very expensive restaurant, usually mainly Hangzhou cuisine, Sichuan cuisine and self-help.

It costs about 3500 yuan a month.

Clothing expenses

Occasionally go to buy a few clothes, summer is generally Uniqlo, Adinek and other popular brands, the highest unit price will not exceed 500yuan, winter clothes less than 2000 yuan.

I don’t spend much money on clothes, but I will buy them during the change of season, about 1000 a month on average.

Housing expenses

When I first arrived in Shanghai, I shared 2300 yuan per month in Xinzhuang, Minhang, and the transportation was convenient. There was a subway within the scope of 1km, but at that time I was really poor. After paying the rent, I only had more than 1000 yuan in cash. I lived through the most difficult time by spending money and racking my brains to make money.

The winter in Shanghai is very cold, there is no heating, the summer is super hot, and the house is very humid.

And the cockroaches in Shanghai are really big!

Transportation expenses

Travel basically depends on the subway and Didi, less than 500 yuan a month.

Entertainment expenses

As an old farmer on the Internet, there is really no entertainment. If so, play games and watch movies. I don’t like music, so I haven’t seen any plays or concerts in Shanghai.

Playing games usually go to the Internet Fish Internet Cafe, 6 yuan per hour, less than 300 yuan per month.

I must see a movie every week. When a new movie is released, I will go to the cinema. Tickets for two people are about 300 yuan a month.

In Shanghai, in addition to house prices are unattainably high, other consumption is still within the acceptable range, I spend less than 8k a month, do not smoke, do not drink, do not like disco, no illegal hobbies, this is my life in Shanghai.

What’s the Experience of Living in Shanghai?


I didn’t go to college in Shanghai. After I finished my master’s degree, I parachuted directly here and started to work, but I had no sense of strangeness to the city. Because like any international metropolis, she respects rules, pursues efficiency, values diversity and tolerates differences. When you come here, you will never feel different. Shanghai can let lively people find their own kind, and lonely people can continue to be wayward and maverick.

She is an ambitious city. Those towering skyscrapers and the exquisite elites on the road always remind you to make progress, to catch up, and to grow; this shaping of success is not superficial, because everyone is really strong. In my work, I often need to translate for the speakers. You listen to them talk about what they are doing, some entrepreneurs, some researchers, some executives, no matter what industry they belong to, when the data are laid out, the plans are explained, and the vision is described one by one. They’re great. I think it’s not just a matter of education or origin, but also about execution, self-control and opportunity. It is not that a person can achieve much success after graduating from a famous school in Shanghai, on the contrary, it is a person who, after a good starting point, still works in a down-to-earth manner, and seizes the opportunity and practices the ideal on the fertile soil of Shanghai. That kind of touching, often let the young I admire and admire. This may have nothing to do with the topic, it is the unique experience that my work brings to me, but Shanghai provides a big background. In my hometown, I can’t feel such encouragement; in Shanghai, I can always find people I admire. When they are around you, you will feel that the environment empowers you to (empower), life is full of possibilities. Maybe it is precisely because of Shanghai’s respect for the spirit of contract that you feel that this is a relatively fair environment. As long as I work hard, heaven’s reward and diligence can be achieved. At least it will not be mercilessly hit by reality and despair as in other places.

She is an international city, as if she is abroad, you will not have any sense of peace, and this internationalization is the transfer of lifestyle, not just the number of foreign population. Last week, I went to a Christmas charity concert organized by the Catholic Church with friends. Many of the audience were foreigners, bringing their own children to listen. Of course, there were also a family of three in China. The concert was organized very warmly, there were no Chinese slogans and performances, the performers were very relaxed, and the audience was very supportive. The cookies made by Grandma herself is on sale outside the small theatre. The children are shuttling through the crowd with baskets. In the small theater, volunteers are kindly guided. In the middle of the show, the children dance on the stage, and the audience will rush onto the stage to dance together. Finally, there is a Santa Claus handing out gifts, all very much like the scenes in “True Love first.” At a time like this, you will find that my life in Shanghai is just like life in other places, interesting and interesting.

This is a safe city. New York, Paris, the crime rate remains high, a person walking in the 10:00 street, perhaps because the unknown brought by strangers, the heart is full of fear. But in Shanghai, law and order is very reassuring and may surpass other domestic cities. This is not only my own feeling, but also that of many foreign female friends.

Of course, there are occasional times of helplessness. When chatting with friends yesterday, I also said that maybe matter is an invisible mountain imposed by Shanghai on the people of this city, and it is an elephant in the room. Maybe you won’t feel stressed at first when you live here for a few years, but you’ll just find it diverse and wonderful, but then when your feet touch the ground and start thinking about reality, maybe this helplessness will overwhelm the surprise. A friend, who has lived here for ten years, said that house prices are still so impressive, not to mention the traditional scarce resources such as children’s education and medical care, so he mocked that, solitude is the best, should have a good life alone, the heart is unpredictable, and everything seems to be very complicated. Perhaps it is because of the scarcity of resources that people will have the above mentioned, desperately pursue efficiency and performance, to realize, always want to seize something. Under material pressure, there are many people and things who forget their heart, and after they encounter, you don’t know who to blame. Because you also understand, you are sensible, you are also mature, everything is staged silently under the magnificent city curtain.

In fact, I have been in Shanghai for less than three years, but I can’t live without her. I’ve been on a business trip for a long time, and I’m eager to go back. When I went back to my hometown to accompany my parents, after a long time, I wanted to go back, and my father said sour, your home is here, not in Shanghai. Although it was a joke, it also revealed my attachment to her. At Shanghai, life is a beautiful struggle . There used to be a saying that falling in love with a city may be because there are people you love here, but in fact, as long as you are here, your story, and everyone’s story, is the only living reason in the memory of this city.


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Is Living in Shanghai Expensive?


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