Is the Water Safe to Drink in Beijing?

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  • 2020-04-18
  • China tourism information
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In a city like Beijing, drinking tap water is actually relatively safe. The quality of tap water in Beijing is of high quality when it leaves the factory, but the problem with the pipeline can only ensure that the water quality in Dongcheng (not including the north of Andingmen) and Xicheng is close to that of the waterworks. The water quality in Chaoyang is the worst. But it is also recommended to boil water as much as possible. In addition, the water purifier is also used.

But in China, people are used to boiling water before drinking, so it is not easy to get sick. So when traveling in China, try to drink boiled water and bottled mineral water.

Free boiled water will be provided in the waiting room of the railway station, but not cups, so you can take a cup with you to pick up boiled water. Free boiled water is also provided on the train.

Is the water safe to drink in Beijing?

Some airports will provide boiled water and some will not. Drinks or mineral water are usually served on the plane. In China, it is very convenient to buy bottled mineral water, and almost all small shops sell it.

In restaurants and restaurants, free boiled water is generally provided, and disposable cups may be provided.

In the hotel, boiled water may not be provided, but a kettle will be provided, you can boil water yourself, and cups will be provided. In addition, two free bottles of mineral water are usually provided in hotel rooms.

In places where boiled water is not available, it is best to buy bottled mineral water to drink. Generally speaking, the price of 500ml mineral water is 2 yuan. The mineral water that tastes better is Nongfu Spring.

Why Do Chinese People Drink Boiled Water?

In ancient times, the problems of plague, parasites and common gastroenteritis were very common, especially in rural areas. Infectious diseases such as dysentery and cholera also spread throughout the village as soon as they broke out. This phenomenon also improved after liberation, which is why we have such a rapid population growth.

During the Jiaqing period in the late Qing Dynasty, the state was still anxious about the disease caused by unsanitary drinking water, guiding people to drink well water and disinfecting raw water with realgar alum.

In 1934, under the leadership of Chiang Kai-shek and Soong Mei-ling, the National Government began to carry out the “New Life Movement”, publicizing the contents of the New deal, promoting drinking boiled water, not spitting, multi-literacy, paying attention to civilization and hygiene, and Soong Mei-ling’s contribution in the War of Resistance against Japan. But the effect is not obvious because of the war. In ancient China, hot drinks were mainly tea (but not everyone could afford it). Drinking boiled water was something done by individual health experts, and it was difficult for most ordinary people to drink hot water.

In the early days of liberation, the state strongly advocated drinking boiled water and advocated the provision of sanitary drinking water in the patriotic sanitation campaign. at that time, institutions, schools and factories would provide boiled water stoves for the convenience of the public. With the vigorous publicity of the government, people have also formed the habit of drinking boiled water.

What Is the Quality of Tap Water in Beijing?

Beijing’s groundwater is indeed as hard as advertised by businesses, reaching 450mg/L (mg / L), which has just met the sanitary standards for drinking water. The hardness of water quality in Beijing is caused by a comprehensive reason, and the strata in Beijing are mainly carbonate, which determines that the content of nitrate in groundwater in Beijing is relatively high. After long-term over-exploitation, Beijing’s groundwater resources have formed an underground funnel of more than 1000 square kilometers, coupled with the damage of human activities to the environment, which directly increase the content of nitrate, which leads to the high content of calcium and magnesium in drinking water for Beijing residents.

The surface water in Beijing refers to the three major reservoirs in Beijing, namely, Miyun Reservoir, Huairou Reservoir and Guanting Reservoir. Due to six consecutive years of drought, the Miyun Reservoir, with a capacity of 4.4 billion cubic meters, has only 700 million cubic meters of water left, of which 425 million cubic meters cannot be discharged from the bottom of the reservoir. The situation of Huairou Reservoir is similar to that of Miyun Reservoir. The Guanting Reservoir stores the water of the Yanghe River, which originated in Shanxi Province. The environmental pollution in the upper reaches of the Yanghe River is serious, and the content of algae in the water increases significantly. In other words, the water of Miyun Reservoir and Huairou Reservoir is used more and less, the water body is not diluted in time, the number of microorganisms goes straight to Guanting Reservoir, and the water quality of the three major reservoirs are all eutrophicated.

How to Drink Water When Traveling to Beijing?

Drink the Right Amount of Light Salt Water

After exercise on the journey, people are easy to sweat, when the human body sweats a lot, the sweat takes away a lot of inorganic salts, such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and so on. Therefore, it is very necessary to drink some light salt water during the journey. 1 gram of salt plus 500 milliliters of water, can supplement the body needs, but also can prevent electrolyte disorders.

Drink a Small Amount of Water for Many Times

Thirst during the journey can not be drunk at once, should be divided into several times to drink water, not more than one liter per hour, each time to 100 to 150 milliliters, 1 hour apart.

It Is Recommended to Drink Cold Boiled Water at about 10 ℃

Travel, a large amount of exercise, the body temperature is usually high, a large number of cold drinks can easily cause digestive system diseases, because at this time, the intestines and stomach due to the acceleration of blood circulation, the intestines and stomach is relatively ischemic. Do not drink beverages below 5 ℃. Cold boiled water at about 10 ℃ can help you cool down and quench your thirst.

It Is Also Important to Replenish Sugar Water Properly

As during the journey, strenuous exercise such as trekking mountains and rivers consumes a lot of calories, the amount of sugar stored in the body can not meet the needs of exercise. Therefore, when participating in a large amount of exercise and too long exercise, drink some sugar water appropriately to replenish the energy consumption of the body in time. Finally, I would like to point out that on the way to travel, do not drink unboiled water, so as not to catch the disease.

Matters Needing Attention in the Use of Water in Travel Hotels

Before using the kettle, I turned on the running water from the faucet to wash the kettle inside and out twice. Then fill it with water and boil it for the first time. Pour out the boiled water, don’t drink it. Then fill it with water for the second time. If the hotel is equipped with mineral water, I will cook it with mineral water. If not, I can only cook it with tap water. The cup is also operated, that is, wash it twice and then wash it with boiled water.

Stay Away from the Hot Kettle

The kettle is basically standard in every room, and it looks clean, but who knows what tenants before you did with it, such as vomit, cigarette butt, or even that, you might guess.

Don’t Use the Glasses

It is best not to use glasses in the hotel, especially not to drink water with glasses. Because it is very possible that the hotel waiters use rags to wipe the water cups, and then rinse casually with tap water, it is really rare to use high temperature for disinfection.


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Is the Water Safe to Drink in Beijing?


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