How Many Days Do You Need in Guilin?

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  • 2023-02-06
  • China tourism information
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Typically, visitors to Guilin suggest staying for 3-5 days to have enough time to experience all the city has to offer. This will give you enough time to see the famous landmarks, explore the surrounding countryside, try local cuisine, and experience the local culture and outdoor activities. However, the exact number of days you’ll want to spend in Guilin depends on your interests and travel style. If you’re an avid hiker or outdoor adventurer, you may want to stay a bit longer to explore the surrounding countryside. If you’re more interested in the cultural and historical sites, a shorter stay may be sufficient. It all depends on what you want to see and do during your visit to Guilin.

Additionally, 3-5 days in Guilin should provide enough time to visit the famous landmarks and scenic spots, such as the Li River, the Reed Flute Cave, the Elephant Trunk Hill, and the Seven Star Park, among others. You can also take a leisurely boat ride along the river, explore the karst mountains on foot or by bike, visit the rice terraces in Longsheng, and even try your hand at rock climbing. With so many activities and attractions to choose from, you’re sure to have a fantastic time in Guilin no matter how long you stay. Just be sure to plan your itinerary in advance to make the most of your time in the city!

It’s also important to keep in mind that Guilin is just the starting point for many travelers, as the city is surrounded by many other natural and cultural attractions in Guangxi Province. If you have more time, you might consider taking a side trip to nearby cities and attractions, such as Yangshuo, Longsheng, and the Dragon’s Backbone Rice Terraces. These destinations offer even more stunning natural scenery and cultural experiences, and can easily be visited as day trips from Guilin. However, if you only have a few days, focus on exploring Guilin itself, as there is plenty to see and do in the city to keep you busy for several days.

In conclusion, the ideal number of days to spend in Guilin depends on your personal interests and travel style. A stay of 3-5 days should provide enough time to see the main attractions and get a feel for the city and its surroundings. However, if you’re interested in exploring more of Guangxi Province, you may want to consider staying longer or taking a side trip to nearby cities and attractions. Regardless of how long you stay, Guilin offers a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage, and is sure to be a highlight of your travels in China.

Furthermore, some popular activities and experiences that you may consider adding to your itinerary in Guilin include:

  • Taking a leisurely boat ride along the Li River to enjoy the stunning scenery and appreciate the beauty of the karst mountains.
  • Exploring the Reed Flute Cave, a natural limestone cave with intricate rock formations and colorful lighting.
  • Climbing the Elephant Trunk Hill, a famous landmark in the city that resembles an elephant drinking from the river.
  • Visiting the Seven Star Park, which features a variety of traditional Chinese gardens, pavilions, and scenic spots.
  • Taking a scenic hike through the countryside, where you can enjoy breathtaking views of the karst mountains and the Li River.
  • Experiencing the local culture and cuisine by trying the local specialty dishes, such as the famous Guilin Rice Noodles, and visiting local markets and shopping areas.
  • Exploring the ancient temples and religious sites in the area, including the Duxiu Peak Temple and the Guilin Buddhist Temple.
  • Taking a side trip to nearby cities and attractions, such as Yangshuo, Longsheng, and the Dragon’s Backbone Rice Terraces, to see even more of the stunning natural scenery and cultural heritage of Guangxi Province.

These are just a few examples of the many activities and experiences that you can have in Guilin. With its rich natural beauty, cultural heritage, and vibrant atmosphere, Guilin is the perfect destination for travelers who want to experience the best of southern China.

Additionally, here are some practical tips for visiting Guilin:

  • Plan your itinerary in advance: Guilin is a popular tourist destination and can get busy, so it’s best to plan your itinerary in advance to ensure that you have time to see everything you want to see and avoid crowds.
  • Use public transportation: Guilin has a well-developed public transportation system, including buses, taxis, and a convenient electric rail system, making it easy to get around the city and explore the surrounding area.
  • Stay in a central location: Guilin is a compact city, and staying in a central location makes it easy to walk or take public transportation to the main attractions and shopping areas.
  • Be prepared for hot weather: Guilin is located in southern China and has a subtropical climate, which means that it can be hot and humid, especially in the summer months. Be sure to bring appropriate clothing and stay hydrated.
  • Take advantage of local tours and guides: Guilin is surrounded by stunning natural beauty and cultural heritage, and a local tour guide can help you make the most of your time in the city and provide valuable insight into the local culture and history.

By following these tips and making the most of your time in Guilin, you’ll be sure to have a fantastic and memorable experience in one of China’s most beautiful cities.

Here are a few more tips for visiting Guilin:

  • Respect local customs: Guilin is a traditional Chinese city, and it’s important to be respectful of local customs and culture, especially when visiting temples and other cultural sites.
  • Learn some basic Mandarin: Guilin is a tourist-friendly city, but many locals speak limited English. Knowing a few basic Mandarin phrases will help you get around and interact with locals more easily.
  • Bring cash: While some tourist areas accept credit cards, it’s always a good idea to carry some cash when traveling in China, as many smaller shops and restaurants may not accept cards.
  • Avoid peak tourist season: Guilin is a popular destination, and during peak tourist season, it can be crowded and difficult to find accommodations. Consider visiting during the shoulder seasons for a more relaxed and less crowded experience.
  • Buy a Guilin scenic area pass: If you plan to visit several of the scenic spots and natural attractions in the area, consider buying a Guilin scenic area pass, which provides discounted entry to multiple attractions and can save you time and money.
  • Try the local food: Guilin is known for its delicious and unique cuisine, including its famous rice noodles and local dishes like river fish hot pot and spicy crayfish. Don’t miss the chance to try some of the local specialties and experience the city’s rich food culture.

By following these tips and being mindful of local customs and culture, you can have a fantastic and memorable visit to Guilin and enjoy all that this beautiful city has to offer.

Here are a few more tips to enhance your experience while visiting Guilin:

  • Take a boat tour: Guilin is famous for its scenic beauty and many visitors opt for a boat tour to see the city’s stunning landscapes from a different perspective. The Li River, in particular, is a must-see attraction.
  • Explore the caves: Guilin is also home to several incredible caves, including the Reed Flute Cave, which is known for its stunning rock formations and colorful lights.
  • Visit the Elephant Trunk Hill: Elephant Trunk Hill is a iconic landmark in Guilin, and a popular destination for tourists. The hill is shaped like an elephant drinking from the river, and provides panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Attend a traditional performance: Guilin has a rich cultural heritage and visitors can enjoy a traditional performance of Chinese music, dance, or theater during their stay.
  • Shop for souvenirs: Guilin has a variety of local markets and shops selling traditional handicrafts and souvenirs, including bamboo baskets, paper-cut art, and traditional tea.
  • Visit a tea plantation: Guilin is surrounded by lush tea plantations, and visitors can take a tour of a local tea farm, learn about the tea-making process, and sample different types of tea.

By incorporating these activities and experiences into your itinerary, you can get a better understanding of the local culture and history and have a more fulfilling and enriching visit to Guilin.


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How Many Days Do You Need in Guilin?


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