Is Beijing Safe for Tourists?

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  • 2020-04-19
  • China tourism information
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In Beijing, not to mention after 9 o’clock in the evening, even at 2 o’clock in the morning, you can take to the streets to play, the probability of being robbed is very rare, Beijing is a safe place. Law and order in major cities in China is also very good.

China is the country with the best public security. So, you don’t have to worry about safety when traveling in China.

Beijing is very safe. Almost all the roads are filled with street lights and surveillance, and there are pedestrians at 11: 00 or 12: 00 at night.

Used to live in Heping, often hungry at one or two o’clock in the middle of the night, wearing household clothes big slippers, along the moat to Jin Dingxuan to eat midnight snacks, very safe. Once, I picked up a duck in the moat at night.

Beijing is the capital, and the overall law and order is still very good. It is rare to hear of vicious incidents in Beijing. If you are a girl, you’d better have a companion, and it doesn’t matter if you can’t find a partner.

One of the Two Cities With the Best Security in China Is Beijing

Everyone wants to live in a safe city, even at night, walking in the main corner of the city does not have to worry about danger.

When it comes to the two best cities in China, the first is the capital Beijing.

Although there are tens of millions of people in Beijing, this does not prevent Beijing from becoming a city with good law and order.

The good law and order in Beijing is that you can see law enforcement officers in the main corners of the city, and their presence makes people feel protected at any time.

Beijing is the first batch of famous historical and cultural cities in China and the city with the largest number of cultural heritages in the world. More than 3,000 years of history has given birth to many places of interest, such as the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, the Badaling Great Wall, the Summer Palace and so on.

There is no need to worry about personal safety when Beijing goes out at night. There are a lot of people on the street at night.

As long as you don’t go to particularly remote places, it’s safe most of the time.

Beijing is also an inclusive and open city. Due to the large number of job opportunities, countless young people go to Beijing every year, many of whom have taken root in Beijing and realized their dreams.

Is It Safe for a Girl to Travel to Beijing?

Beijing should be regarded as a city with good law and order. The security checks here are all very strict. Under normal circumstances, there will not be too many problems.

In addition, it is recommended that you take a regular taxi when taking a taxi, do not take a black car, one is that the price may be more expensive, but also because it is not formal, there is no guarantee in safety.

When you take the bus, you can remember the license plate number and send it to your friends.

If it is a regular hotel, there should be people on duty all the time, and there will be no problems, just lock the door.

Beijing is a city with rich nightlife, compared with other cities, there will not be too few people in the middle of the night, and the roads are brightly lit, so there will be no problem.

Matters Needing Attention in Beijing Tourism Safety

Beijing is very safe, there are cameras everywhere, seamlessly covered, the thief stole something on the bus, the police can find his residence.

Arrive at night and take a formal taxi. Before getting on the bus, the mobile phone takes a picture of the taxi license plate, and after getting on the bus, pretend to call or send a message to the family, and the driver will be quieter.

When asking for directions, be sure to ask twice to make sure it is right.

Don’t talk too much about personal information with strangers, take care of your belongings, don’t make up at night, and don’t dress too conspicuously.

In case of trouble, be calm, do not use your cell phone in a secluded place, or hold a cell phone in your hand. Armed police will patrol large intersections and overpasses.

Travel in Beijing to Prevent Fraud

There are many fake tour guides, fake rentals, fake travel agencies in Beijing, as well as some forced buying and selling, and the fraudulent targets are mainly outsiders and foreigners, which really affect the image of Beijing.

If this is your first visit to Beijing, Tiananmen Square has a “Beijing Tourism Distribution Center” (forget whether it is in the southeast corner or the southwest corner, look for it) is specially prepared by the municipal tourism department for individual tourists. The price is reasonable and insurance.

If you want to go, remember to go to the side of the hall, and don’t believe those who solicit guests outside.
Just remember one thing when you travel to Beijing.

Soliciting, private. Never pay attention to them (including those who sell things in scenic spots). In addition, do not believe those who claim to be regular travel agencies.

Is It Safe to Travel Alone With a Group in Beijing?

Compared with a person traveling alone, traveling with a group will be more safe. Generally speaking, traveling with a group is guaranteed, it will be taken by a tour guide, and the people who travel together are all people who have registered their identity information, so they are in a relatively safe environment.

Traveling with a group is a route planned by a travel agency, which is generally a popular route, and there are many people going there. relatively speaking, it is also a relatively safe place to go, and the tour guide will also remind you to pay attention to dangerous places.

Even if there is any emergency, the tour guide will be responsible for solving the problem. If it is really unfortunate, if something bad happens, the travel agency will also bear some responsibility.

But just because the risk coefficient is lower than that of individual travel, it does not mean that there will be no danger. When traveling in a group, one must have a good relationship with the people in the same car and take care of each other.


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Is Beijing Safe for Tourists?


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