Do they speak English in Beijing?

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  • 2020-04-15
  • China tourism information
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Beijing is the capital of China, there must be some foreign people, and there must be some Chinese who can speak English, so there are a lot of English speakers.

Foreigners can’t speak Chinese. They speak English in Beijing. Can Beijingers understand them? Do all Beijingers speak English?

It is not so popular, and most places are conditioned. Generally speaking, those with high academic qualifications are OK, but the formal service industry can still understand simple English.

As a matter of fact, the English standard of Beijingers is not as high as that of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong is an international open city, which is related to the fact that it was once a British colony.

What if I go to Beijing alone and can’t speak Chinese?

  • My suggestion is to find a local tour guide who can speak Chinese.
  • Translate the commonly used Chinese in advance and show it to others.
  • In some high-end business circles, many people can speak a little English.
  • Look for shops opened by foreigners (many).

Now can be translated directly, meet can translate, ask him to face the voice, you face the voice, this kind of communication is no longer a problem.

Is there an English corner of a bar in Beijing?

Language Mix is not a simple English corner, but a language corner that is tolerant of multiple languages, which is why they are called Language Mix.

When you enter the bar, the organizer will kindly ask you about your mother tongue and the language you are learning, and stick the corresponding flag on your chest so that people can see the language proficiency of other participants at a glance.

When you come to this English corner, don’t expect anyone to organize people to chat with each other, everything depends on you to find your own language partner.

Speaking of language partners, you may see people from all over the world communicate happily in different languages. I’m afraid that’s why we like Beijing, a multicultural city.

Smart people may notice that the introduction doesn’t say the end time of the event, because it’s weekend night, which means you can stay as long as you want, and no one can stop you from learning about other cultures and languages.

Foreigners also use “online tour guides” to visit China

Ask a local guide to take you to China? With the increase in the number of inbound tourists coming to China, especially the arrival of the Expo, more and more inbound tourists come to China to experience more authentic and personalized local cultural cuisine and daily life, especially in international tourist cities such as Xi’an, Chengdu, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and so on. Some local guides who provide multilingual services to inbound foreign guests have begun to become online celebrities.

“one-on-one destination escort, high-quality foreign language lectures, as well as itinerary design and customized services can enhance the deep experience of foreign tourists in China and provide personalized travel plans for individual tourists who come to China from overseas. Bring high-quality free travel.” According to the relevant person in charge, when foreign tourists come to China, they can directly tell the guide in advance what they want to eat and play, and the itinerary can be adjusted accordingly as long as the itinerary is within the scope of reasonable requirements. Local guides add to the inbound tour. They are like business cards, not only introducing China to foreign tourists, but also taking them to experience for themselves.

Are there any useful travel translators recommended by APP?

It must be a (出国翻译官), text, pictures, voice, anything can be translated, as well as scenic spots introduction. In case of emergency, there is customer service to provide manual translation service, but also very cheap! The artifact of traveling abroad.

If it is only for temporary use, in fact, there is no need to use APP,. You can try Wechat’s official account translation assistant abroad, which can not only translate text, but also speech recognition and translation, but also photo translation. In addition to supporting English, it also supports Japanese, Korean, Thai, etc., which is very convenient to use abroad.

When friends travel abroad, they don’t understand the language. What do they usually do? Would you want to find an interpreter?

I don’t think language is the biggest obstacle to self-help travel. Even if you don’t know the local language, as long as you have a little courage, plan well before departure, make more strategies, be bold and careful when traveling locally, and communicate with body language. I don’t think it’s a problem in general. Of course, if you can understand the local language, it is good for the depth of your travel. Personally, I tend to solve the problem by myself. I know Japanese and English. I don’t like looking for translators very much. I usually devote myself to learning English. After all, the international nature of English is incomparable at present.

Personally, I don’t think the language problem during the trip is particularly critical. Download a translation software from your phone and enter it at that time. If you are looking for a translator, it depends on whether it is necessary. Generally speaking, it is more expensive to find a Chinese translator abroad. As for the introduction of scenic spots, you can search it on hundreds of degrees and have a look at it. For a very detailed introduction, it is not to find a Chinese translator, but to find a Chinese tour guide。

Where can I find a cheaper translation?

Go to the foreign language colleges and universities. There must be some good ones there. Spoken English may not be very good, but grammar and translation should be good.

The scope of foreign students is too large, it is difficult to find, and foreign students are not necessarily good translators.

Then it depends on what language you need, English is the most, it is easy to find; common languages other than English are also available and can be found in Chinese universities; such as Hebrew, Indian, or some indigenous languages, that kind of translation is rare in China. If your price is high enough, you will naturally find a good translator.


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Do they speak English in Beijing?


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