How Do People Dress in Beijing?

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  • 2020-05-12
  • China tourism information
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Beijingers do not pay attention to wearing, mainly reflected in that they do not pay attention to whether the clothes are fashionable or not, and do not pay too much attention to the style. But pay attention to whether it is comfortable to wear, prefer pure cotton clothes, like healthy clothes. These are all about ordinary people from other places in Beijing. Old Beijingers are very corny. Clothes from decades ago are all over the street. And it is not very trimmed, you can often see a man in a sweatshirt and big shorts coming down from the private car to buy vegetables at the vegetable market.

Generally speaking, Beijingers are not as particular about dressing as Shanghainese, many people will take comfort as the principle, senior white-collar workers are more fastidious, generally white-collar workers are not very fastidious, this also depends on the dress code of enterprises, university campuses and citizens depend on personal conditions.

People who have never been to Beijing always think that the clothes of Beijingers must be noble and gorgeous, which is the envy of outsiders. In fact, the real Beijingers are generally dressed, and some of them are not even up to the average level, which makes people feel shabby and shabby, which greatly reduces the envy of outsiders to the capital.

If you are traveling, please pay attention.

Beijing is the north of China, with a typical warm and semi-humid climate, high temperature and rainy summer, cold and dry winter, short spring and autumn, and the precipitation season in Beijing is distributed in summer. June, July and August. In summer, you have to protect yourself from the sun and rain in addition to being protected from the sun. Be sure to take umbrellas and children with raincoats. There are more cold waves in autumn and winter. The cooling range is large, pay attention to keep warm. If you visit the surrounding suburbs, you must have a pair of strong and durable sneakers.

The temperature is close to-2 ℃ ~-10 ℃ in December, January and February every year. The temperature rose a few degrees above zero in March, and slowly warmed by 10 ℃-25 ℃ in April and May. At the same time, the peak tourist season began in June, July and August. The temperature is about 20 ℃ to 30 ℃. The temperature began to drop in September, with temperatures ranging from 15 to 26 degrees. The temperature is below 20 ℃ in October and below 10 ℃ in November. You can choose the right clothes to travel according to the temperature.

What Clothes to Wear When Traveling to Beijing in Winter

In winter in Beijing, the temperature is usually around minus 10 degrees. Some friends in the south may have no idea about minus 10 degrees. I can’t explain it to you here either. The advice to friends in the south is to bring your thickest down jacket cotton jacket, sweater long johns back, or money on the line, Beijing winter is the best to sell cotton clothes. Friends in the north, you can do whatever you want, and you know whether it’s cold or not.

When Did Jeans Become Popular in China?

The first time I saw jeans was about 85-87. I can’t remember the exact time. We are a prefecture-level city in Hebei Province, and small cities are underdeveloped, but there are a large number of Tianjin people who have migrated from Tianjin with large factories.

More than 1/3 of our family home is from Tianjin. they are all from Tianjin as husband and wife. an only child in the family is about the same age as me. Every winter and summer vacation, they go back to Tianjin to see their grandparents.

Once it seemed that they all came back from Tianjin after the school year began on September 1. My good friend Liu Zhe, he wears a pair of blue working cloth trousers with metal buckles. His legs are very thin. At that time, he was a primary school student. I will never forget the way he inserted his trouser pocket. He is so handsome! I swear I want a pair of jeans, too, but we don’t sell them in this small place at all.

It seems that around 1990, the stall accidentally saw that I bought it for 17 yuan. at that time, the vendor seemed to have been transported from Guangzhou. I remember it very clearly. at that time, when I was in middle school, my classmates laughed at me. In PE class, the PE teacher could not bear to see me wearing such trousers. I was deliberately asked to do frog jumps. at that time, the jeans didn’t stretch at all, and they laughed. But in that semester, the students put it on. And a nice short denim jacket.

How Popular Are Jeans in China?

Basically walking down the street. Ten men, eight men wearing jeans. Today’s jeans, low waist tight is sexy, loose wide legs is fat gospel, hole grinding is punk, crotch narrow foot is hip-hop. There are fast sales of more than a dozen dollars, as well as high-end customizations full of diamonds. Jeans are suitable for all kinds of styles, and everyone can find the one that suits them. Its popularity is from the bottom up, and now it has become a national carnival.

1.4 Billion Chinese People Choose Jeans When They Don’t Know What to Wear

Each Chinese consumes an average of 1 pair of jeans a year. China will overtake the United States in 2023 and become the country with the largest consumption of jeans in the world.

From 2014 to 2018, the top five Chinese jeans brands were Lee, Levis’s, Uniqlo, Calvin Klein and Hailan Home.

Jeans with a mid-range price of 299-599 yuan are the first choice for Chinese people, so there are two ways for brands to take the mid-price route or become cool again.

For the Chinese, jeans have also become an ordinary existence. Suits are too formal, sports pants are too casual, and jeans have a wider application. An old saying in the fashion world can be used to describe Chinese people’s feelings about jeans. “when you don’t know what to wear, choose jeans!”

The increase in the mid-and high-end market is brought about by upgraded consumers. In the past, those 40 yuan jeans at night market stalls and wholesale markets were quite popular. Open Taobao and sort by price, jeans of 40 to 80 yuan are often popular, and a store can sell tens of thousands of pieces. Mixed-brand jeans at this price often come from small family workshops. Although they look no different from “tannins”, they are made of inferior materials such as falling cotton or low-cost chemical fiber and have a pungent smell. Once consumers begin to have brand awareness, they will abandon shoddy mixed-brand jeans and choose brand jeans with higher prices but more guaranteed quality.

Jeans in China

Young people are madly in love, and “antiques” hate it.

Jeans are so popular in Europe and the United States that it is inevitable that fashionable overseas students in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China secretly brought them back when they liked them. Who knows, there is no proof. However, jeans really became popular among the general public in China, but after the reform and opening up.

Different places, but the same fate, jeans to China, but also let young people like it to death, so that conservatives began to “doubt life.”

Jeans have been born for more than 100 years, and it’s hard to find a second thing that has been so popular for a long time. It spread from the west of the United States to the east, then across the oceans, reached Eurasia, entered China, and became popular from east to west. It is not clear whether it is fashionable, commercial, civilized or evil, but the only certainty is that it will continue to be popular in various forms.

Further Reading


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How Do People Dress in Beijing?


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